29 June 2008


Joy cometh in the morning...for Lyrical Love!

Good Morning!
I am up early this morning after working 16.5hours...yesterday. I didn't get home until 1:00a.m. I didn't want to come into an empty house last night so I mustered the energy to stay at work after 12 hours, for the additional shift.
I now know what it means to say 'joy comes in the morning'.
The dark can afford some an opportunity to have some wild fun that may teeter on the
edge of danger, but not for me. I try to stay on that path-following Jesus...I have taken a wrong turn that has led (PTL) me back to HIM. I love the mornings because I find myself new. When I open my eyes, before I move any part of my body-I thank the Lord for waking me up...again, for giving me new mercies, a chance once again to get it right.
That is a JOYous experience in itself. It can be raining outside, I might see snow 10 feet deep, but I know that it is the start of a new morning, a new day, a second(maybe third, fourth, fifth, sixth,seventh...) chance to get right, again...
for me that is enough no matter what is going on in my life, or around me. I can feel that JOY because I now know who my Father is. So, today as a child of a KING...a 'princess', I see life differently-today. Enjoy this day. See today as an opportunity!
© 2008 Lyrical Love831